The United Kingdom
Our Fieldwork
Our fieldwork in the UK has come to a close. If you have experienced problems using streets as a pedestrian anywhere in the UK, we would still love to hear from you – especially if you have tried to challenge or change things using law or politics. Please fill in our Global Online Survey of Pedestrian Exclusion.
The Inclusive Public Space project team is now recruiting participants in both Leeds and Glasgow. We are looking for pedestrians who have experienced problems because of the way streets are designed or managed, especially people who have thought about using law or politics to make a difference. We realise that disabled people, older people, carers and parents of young children are particularly likely to be affected by these problems. If you fit this description, or you know others who do, please get involved or spread the word. If you take part in the Inclusive Public Space project, we will arrange a 30 minute interview with you. You can also identify a street journey that you find difficult - and be given the option to accompany a videographer during filming or feature in the film if you wish - and tell a short story of how problem streets have affected your life. We would also like to work with you to develop guides and tools to promote more inclusive streets, raise the political profile of the issue, and build solidarity amongst the public generally.
You do not need to leave your home to participate, as everything will be done by phone or online. There is the option to accompany the videographer during the street filming, but this is not required and will not affect participation.
If you are a pedestrian in Leeds or Glasgow, and you would like to work with us by being interviewed, simply fill in our online Expression of Interest form or give us a call or send us an email (details below). We would love to hear from you. If you’d like to learn more about who we are and the project before you decide, please check out our films about the project
If you have any questions or if you can help us by sharing your experiences in an interview, please contact us:
- By email at
- By telephone at 0785 760 1009 or 0785 760 1011
- Or fill in our online form